Support, Inc.’s Foster Care Treatment Program
We support children and adolescents in many ways, one of which is to provide therapeutic foster care placement for youth with behavioral, mental health or severe emotional issues. We ensure that foster children are in a nurturing and safe environment by providing the foster parents with the skills and techniques required to help troubled youth. During their time in foster care, youth receive professional treatment for their mental or emotional problems.
Therapeutic Foster Care and Intensive Alternative Family Treatment offers each child a safe and nurturing environment in which the child’s needs can be assessed. During the child’s stay in therapeutic foster care, a licensed and fully trained foster parent has a positive influence on the child’s life by helping him or her deal with past traumas or behavioral health challenges. The ultimate goal for therapeutic foster care is that each child return to the biological home after having made positive behavioral changes.
If you are interested in becoming a treatment foster parent, please use click on Contact Us and someone will reach out to you.